
The Pros and Cons of Semi-Detached Homes

Semi-detached houses, also called twin homes or semis, are a very popular type of property in Québec. While many will prefer a fully detached single-family home, opting for a semi-detached dwelling does offer several advantages.

Specifically, a semi-detached property comprises two separately owned homes, which are generally identical in appearance, built right next to each other. They share a common wall, but each typically has its own yard and entrance.

What are the pros and cons of living in a semi-detached home? It’s usually less expensive than a detached house, but the yard is often smaller and frequently shared.
What are the pros and cons of living in a semi-detached home? It’s usually less expensive than a detached house, but the yard is often smaller and frequently shared.


More Affordable

Semi-detached homes are far more affordable compared to the price of detached homes. Even in cases where a semi and a single-family residence possess similar characteristics, such as the number of bedrooms, the types of materials used, and the desirability of the neighbourhood.

Less Expensive to Heat

The fact that both houses share a wall is excellent news for your heating bills! Keeping your home warm will be cheaper, since you’ll be able to take advantage of the heat emanating from the wall on all floors.

Shared Maintenance Costs and Chores

In some cases, the two twin houses’ configuration allows for the splitting of snow removal or yard care fees. Both homeowners may likewise plan a chore schedule together to share jobs like lawn mowing. Of course, you can always choose to maintain a distant relationship with your neighbour. 

One appealing aspect is the possibility of splitting tasks and expenses with your neighbour!
One appealing aspect is the possibility of splitting tasks and expenses with your neighbour!


Potentially Inadequate Soundproofing

The shared wall in older properties may not have been properly soundproofed. This isn’t generally an issue in newer semis, which meet higher construction material standards. Have tests carried out before you buy, with the neighbour’s authorization. Your broker can help you with this.

A Smaller Lot

Since this type of property is constructed on a split lot, the backyard is usually narrower than for a single-family home.

Abutting Backyards

Which leads us to another point: direct proximity with your neighbour, notwithstanding any dividing fence or cedar hedge (which will, by the way, eat up a lot of space!). It should be noted, however, that such closeness is also sometimes seen in neighbourhoods exclusively made up of single-family homes, so this aspect isn’t unique to semi-detached properties.

Stress Caused by a Quarrelsome Neighbour

Since both owners live in such close proximity with each other, a contentious relationship may magnify the downsides of a semi-detached house.


If you’re interested in buying a semi-detached, don’t hesitate to call on the expertise and guidance of a real estate broker.


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